Matric Results

Brilliant Matric Results for Kearsney’s Class of 2013

We are delighted to report the results of the 2013 IEB November Examinations, which were released to the school yesterday. The Class of 2013 have delivered a wonderful set of results, once again establishing Kearsney as the top independent boys’ school in South Africa for academics. Congratulations to the boys on these wonderful results. Through their hard work and discipline throughout the year they have made themselves, their families and their school proud.

We are incredibly proud to have SIX pupils make the IEB’s Outstanding Achievement and Commendable Achievement lists, which encompass South Africa’s top 136 candidates, or the top 1.3% of all IEB pupils. Kearsney College is THE ONLY independent boys’ school in the entire country to achieve this feat. The IEB’s Outstanding Achievement and Commendable Achievement lists can be viewed on our website via this link.

Kearsney’s excellence in Mathematics and Physical Sciences was reaffirmed, with an incredible 44% of those who wrote Mathematics and 42% of those who wrote Physical Sciences achieving a distinction. We are also incredibly proud of the achievement of our boys in Advanced Programme Mathematics, which is equivalent to A-levels in the UK. Almost a quarter of the 34 candidates who wrote the exam achieved distinctions, whilst 59% of the candidates achieved an A, B or C. Given the importance of this subject to fields such as Engineering and Medicine, this is an area that we have been focusing on and it is wonderful to see the fruits of this labour. Kearsney is incredibly proud of our Maths and Science Excellence Programme and the wonderful results that we consistently achieve in these subjects.

In terms of the top 1% of IEB candidates per subject, Kearsney again performed brilliantly. Seven pupils were placed in the top 69 of all IEB candidates for Mathematics, 6 in the top 49 in the country for Physical Sciences, 3 in the top 24

for Accounting, 4 in the top 29 for History and 5 in the country’s top 6 EGD candidates.


The 129 Kearsney boys who wrote Matric achieved an impressive 299 distinctions between them – an average of 2.3 distinctions each. One boy achieved ten distinctions, four boys achieved nine distinctions, six boys achieved eight distinctions, six boys achieved seven distinctions apiece and altogether thirty-two boys (a quarter of our matrics) achieved four or more distinctions.

Pictured left: 60 distinctions between them: Vaughn Pears (7); Edwin Bunge (9); Daniel Kolev (10); Greg Royston (9); Samuel Hansen (9); David Clarke (8) and Josh Bean (8).


100% pass rate and 95% Bachelor Degree (University Exemption) pass rate was achieved by the Class of 2013.

We are delighted that the excellence that we have collectively strived for extends to all the subjects that we offer, with wonderful achievements being recorded across the board. Academics are Kearsney’s number one priority and Kearsney boys are immersed in an academically rigorous environment from day one. The boys are inspired to achieve academically and they quickly adopt a wonderfully positive work ethic during their time at the College. This environment of academic striving, together with our highly qualified and incredibly professional and dedicated teachers, in a disciplined environment, empowers the boys to reach their potential and we acknowledge the important role that so many play in making this possible.

IEB’s Outstanding Achievement List

(achieved a ranking within the top 5% of all IEB students in 6 or more subjects and at least 80% for L.O) Top 1% in subject within the IEB shown in bold.

Kolev, Daniel 10 Distinctions Accounting 93; Afrikaans 90; English 86; German SAL 93; L.O 90; Maths 98; Maths P3 89; Music 92; Physical Sciences 98; P Maths 85
Bunge, Edwin 9 Distinctions Accounting 94; Afrikaans 89; EGD 99, English 90; L.O 96; Maths 97; Maths P3 99; Physical Sciences 95; AP Maths 85
Hansen, Samuel 9 Distinctions Accounting 97; Afrikaans 82; English 90; History 93; L.O 95; Maths 98; Maths P3 95; Physical Sciences 93; AP Maths 90

IEB’s Commendable Achievement List

(achieved a ranking within the top 5% of all IEB students in 5 subjects and at least 80% for L.O)

The top 1% in subject within the IEB in South Africa is shown in bold

Royston, Gregory 9 Distinctions Accounting 99; Afrikaans 85; English 87; History 93; L.O 95; Maths 98; Maths P3 92; Physical Sciences 97; AP Maths 92
Clarke, David 8 Distinctions Accounting 84; Afrikaans 79; English 86; L.O 93; Life Sciences 88; Maths 97; Maths P3 94; Physical Sciences 92; AP Maths 81
Van Zyl, Brits 8 Distinctions Accounting 82; EGD 99; English 76; Geography 88; L.O 87; Maths 97; Maths P3 94; Physical Sciences 92; AP Maths 82

4 Or More Subject Distinctions:

The top 1% in subject within the IEB in South Africa is shown in bold

Green, Wesley 9 Distinctions Accounting 91; English 84; Geography 82; Maths 95; Maths P3 85; Music 89; Physical Sciences 91; AP Maths 82; Life Orientation 90
Bean, Joshua 8 Distinctions Accounting 97; English 82; History 84; L.O 89; Maths 96; Maths P3 99; Physical Sciences 94; AP Maths 92
Hudson, Thomas 8 Distinctions Afrikaans 83; English 92; History 94; L.O 92; Life Sciences 86; Maths 89; Maths P3 82; Physical Sciences 92
Mabaso, Wakithi 8 Distinctions English 85; isiZulu 93; L.O 88; Life Sciences 85; Maths 95; Maths P3 89; Physical Sciences 89; Visual Arts 88
Reinhardt, Brett 8 Distinctions Afrikaans 80; English 80; Geography 88; L.O 86; Life Sciences 88; Maths 97; Maths P3 84; Physical Sciences 91
Andrews, Damon 7 Distinctions English 83; L.O 83; Life Sciences 82; Maths 92; Maths P3 88; Physical Sciences 87; Visual Arts 88
Bradshaw, Adam 7 Distinctions Accounting 89; English 85; History 92; L.O 87; Maths 83; Maths P3 84; Physical Sciences 80
Hayes-Hill, Jarred 7 Distinctions Dramatic Arts 88; EGD 96; English 81; L.O 84; Maths 91; Maths P3 90; Physical Sciences 90
McGrath, Robert 7 Distinctions Accounting 90; English 80; L.O 82; Life Sciences 84; Maths 88; Maths P3 85; Physical Sciences 87
Pears, Vaughn 7 Distinctions Dramatic Arts 94; English 91; History 91; L.O 90; Maths 88; Maths P3 90; Physical Sciences 88
Vawda, Zaid 7 Distinctions Accounting 87; English 82; History 83; L.O 91; Maths 85; Maths P3 82; Physical Sciences 87
Attenborough, Joshua 6 Distinctions English 87; History 84; L.O 88; Life Sciences 85; Maths 89; Physical Sciences 87
Riekert, Jaco 6 Distinctions Afrikaans 86; EGD 92; L.O 86; Maths 88; Maths P3 90; Physical Sciences 90
Steinhagen, Bjorn 6 Distinctions EGD 96; L.O 87; Life Sciences 80; Maths 90; Maths P3 84; Physical Sciences 94
Tshabalala, Kgomotso 6 Distinctions Geography 80; isiZulu 86; L.O 84; Maths 84; Maths P3 89; Physical Sciences 84
Wevell, Michael 6 Distinctions Accounting 80; Afrikaans 82; EGD 96; L.O 83; Maths 85; Physical Sciences 83
Brown, Matt 5 Distinctions EGD 94; L.O 82; Maths 88; Physical Sciences 80; Visual Arts 87
Cremer, Blair 5 Distinctions Accounting 83; L.O 87; Life Sciences 82; Maths 88; Physical Sciences 85
Eichstadt, Michael 5 Distinctions EGD 92; L.O 84; Maths 92; Maths P3 92; Physical Sciences 89
Gounden, Vahin 5 Distinctions EGD 90; L.O 81; Life Sciences 83; Maths 85; Physical Sciences 85
Albertse, Alex 4 Distinctions Afrikaans 83; Geography 83; L.O 84; Maths P3 82
Allan-Reynolds, Wesley 4 Distinctions L.O 89; Maths 86; Maths P3 82; Physical Sciences 84
Engelbrect, Joshua 4 Distinctions Dramatic Arts 81; L.O 88; Maths 82; Music 88
Lewis, Julian 4 Distinctions Maths 85; Maths P3 82; Physical Sciences 81; Visual Arts 81
Luyt, Alex 4 Distinctions EGD 90; L.O 84; Maths 83; Physical Sciences 80
Mardon, Jarrod 4 Distinctions Geography 82; L.O 82; Maths 84; Physical Sciences 80


These fantastic academic results round off a great year for Kearsney College. We congratulate the Class of 2013, their parents and their teachers for once again putting Kearsney out in front of all the other boys’ schools in KZN and South Africa.

31 December 2013